October 2020 : Face Foundation Grant for TRANSITIONING TO VIRTUAL EXCHANGE Texas A&M, jointly with Arts et Metiers, were selected for the FACE grant « TRANSITIONING TO VIRTUAL EXCHANGE ». They proposed a project between both institutions to develop virtual joint classes & semester long reciprocal education exchange. During the fall 2020, they will implement 2 joint activities between Texas A&M Engineering and Arts et Métiers campus in Aix en Provence. This activities will strengthe, an existing partnership by establishing two new student programs : 1. Global Enginnering Design course : Engineering multinational project-based virtual class. This for credit-class is taught in English and includes a study of intercultural models and their application to engineering design in diverse, multinational and multidisciplinary settings. French and American students will work on an engineering design project, guided by faculty and industry experts. Besides applying engineering skills in the project, they will also learn about intercultural models, global enterprise fundamentals, and remote collaboration technologies. Classes and team meetings will take place via zoom and documents will be shared via google drive. 2. Co-hosted faculty networking meeting for mapping courses for semester exchange : To build the infrastructure for a large and sustainable semester reciprocal education exchange program (REEP) between TAMU Engineering (TAMU) and Arts et Métiers campus in Aix-en-Provence. Through virtual zoom meetings and collaborative google documents, we will bring academic advisors and faculty members responsible for validating course transfer and degree plans to map a semester long exchange between the two institutions, including defining the courses to be transferable to the degree plan of the students without graduation delays. A grant of 7500$ was attributed for this challenging collaborative project.
AM² wishes to collaborate with industrial partners in the fields of smart manufacturing and materials, infused with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science for Industry 4.0.